Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The black hole

Can I just vent for a second? (Oh yeah, that's what blogs are for, aren't they?) Little Miss lost my wireless mouse. We have looked EV-ER-Y-WHERE and can't find it anywhere. She's 10 months old! She isn't even walking yet! It couldn't have gone that far! What's with this power that children have to make things vanish without a trace?


Liz Miller said...

Look under the sofa cushions. That's where Muffin Man loved to hide everything.

Marc said...

Actually, I did find it. It was way down in the crook of the couch, between the cushion and the arm and all the way in the back corner. I had looked there before but apparently not far enough back! So it looks like it wasn't LM's fault at all.

Liz Miller said...

Told you it'd be there.