Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Why I'm voting for Barack Obama

I'm not really that politically active -- I don't read political blogs, I haven't watched a single debate this campaign, and I haven't even read the candidates' positions on the issues. And as little as three days ago, I was still undecided on who I would vote for next Tuesday. I mean to me, all of the candidates' positions are pretty close and none of them are going to match my views 100%. (In fact in one of those candidate picker surveys, Bill Richardson was my closest match.) But I've finally decided that Obama is my candidate, for one reason -- I believe he has the ability to implement change.

Sure, all the candidates are talking about change this year, both Democrats and Republicans. But I believe Obama is the candidate who can work across party lines and bring true change to Washington. Yes, Clinton may have more experience and she might even seem more "presidential" at times, but are there any Republican senators who would actually work with her? And while I'd much rather have another 8 years of the Clinton era than go through another 8 under George Dummy-ya, the country needs something better than more gridlock. Hopefully Obama is a fresh face that hasn't rubbed too many Republicans the wrong way and can truly work with both parties to put the country on the right track.

Plus, have you heard Obama speak? He's truly inspiring! Can Hillary deliver a speech with the same passion? Just given the few commercials and clips I've heard, I'd have to say Obama is the best candidate to go head-to-head with the Republican nominee in November.


Jamie the ParkHopper said...

I'm SO with you there! I haven't seen Hillary do one single speech without reading off a paper. She just doesn't have the charisma.

Anonymous said...

I just KNEW you'd post this week!

-Mystery Mommy