Sunday, April 02, 2006

First words

Little Miss is now 14 1/2 months old and she's getting more vocal every day. Here are a few of her favorite words.

muh - more
bah - milk, or basically any food/drink. Also used in place of "more".
tata - thank you (This is the funniest one -- she's been on this kick of handing things to us lately, so we always say "thank you". Well now she says it back any time she hands me something!)
hada - hello (only said into the play telephone, of course)
ah - up
dah - her all-purpose word, but usually means "here" or "I want that".

She also knows her sign-language for "milk" and "more", although she uses "milk" to mean any sort of food or in place of "more". ("Milk" is a squeezing fist, kind of like milking a cow, while "more" is a motion kind of like stretching a piece of taffy. LM's version of "more" looks more like a sideways "time out" call or, if she's REALLY hungry, punching her palm.)

"Mama" and "dada" are still rarely heard. Oh well.


Liz Miller said...


Anonymous said...

I felt surprised/identified when I read about your little girl first words.

When my little son Alan was 12 months (now he is 27 months old) use to say only four words: mama (mom), pa (dad), teta (bottle) and the multipurpouse word: ack (everything else).

Now, the word he use the most is: No!

Really funny I know.