Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Bubbles and tigers and bears, oh my!

Two weeks ago I posted about the new words Little Miss has started using. Well last week she seemed to turn her vocabulary drive up to warp three. It's crazy the number of words she's come up with in just a week! Some of her favorites are:

bubbles ("bo-bo")
bath time ("bah tah")*
banana ("nana")*
socks ("doss")
Zuzu (our dog's name)
Pooh ("boo")
... and the one that surprised me the most last week:

I'm not sure if she really knows what a backpack is, or if she just associates the word with Dora the Explorer. She has a Dora backpack, but she also said "backpack" when I gave her a Dora sticker... but there WAS a picture of backpack on the sticker too.

She's also started putting words together into sentences, such as "bye-bye dada", and some unintelligible sentences too ("ah ga gah ga tiger da da"). And she's really started responding to our sentences, such as "Could you put that in the trash?" or "Please pick that up." The best was at the chiropractor's when she actually put the doodle-pad back on the toy table without a fight. It's such a neat age.

One last funny thing... most toddlers learn the word "no" very early and love to use it, right? Not ours. For some reason, she's decided to say "uh uh" instad. But it's cute, and I guess it's less abrasive than hearing your toddler say "NO!" all the time!

In case you've forgotten, in three days Little Miss will be 18 months old.

* She's actually been saying these for a while but I forgot to list them in my previous post!

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